European System of Central Banks

European System of Central Banks
сокр. ESCB межд. эк., фин. Европейская система центральных банков (финансовая система, созданная для реализации валютной политики Европейского Союза; состоит из Европейского центрального банка и национальных центральных банков стран ЕС; центральные банки тех стран ЕС, которые не приняли евро в качестве национальной валюты, не участвуют в рассмотрении вопросов, касающихся политики в отношении евро; основная цель системы — поддержание стабильности цен в странах-участницах)

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abbrev.: ESCB European System of Central Banks Европейская система центральных банков: проект взаимодействия национальных центральных банков ЕС в качестве элементов единой системы на завершающем этапе валютной интеграции.
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европейская система центральных банков
Европейская система центральных банков

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "European System of Central Banks" в других словарях:

  • European System of Central Banks — European Union This article is part of the series: Politics and government of the European Union …   Wikipedia

  • European System of Central Banks — ( ESCB) Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary Comprises the ECB and national central banks of all EU members states, whether or not they have adopted the euro. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • European System of Central Banks — (ESCB) Comprises the ECB and national central banks of all EU members states, whether or not they have adopted the euro …   Euroclear glossary

  • European System of Central Banks —   A body created by the Treaty on European Union and scheduled for establishment in 1997 in the final stage of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), with the responsibility of maintaining price stability, a common monetary policy, and the… …   Glossary of the European Union and European Communities

  • List of central banks — This is a list of central banks.AlphanumericTOC multiline= numbers= x= top= sec1=De facto independent countries sec2=Countries without central banks Central banks by country or region A *flag|Afghanistan – Da Afghanistan Bank ( د افغانستان بانک ) …   Wikipedia

  • Central banks and currencies of the Caribbean — Islands in and near the Caribbean This is a list of the central banks and currencies of the Caribbean. There are a number of currencies serving multiple territories; the most widespread are the East Caribbean dollar (8 countries and territories) …   Wikipedia

  • Central Bank of Montenegro — Centralna Banka Crne Gore …   Wikipedia

  • Central Bank of Cyprus — Kεντρική Τράπεζα Κύπρου (Greek) Kıbrıs Merkez Bankası (Turkish) …   Wikipedia

  • European Central Bank — (ECB) an independent financial institution established in 1998 to define and implement monetary policy for members of the European Union (EU) that have adopted the euro as their common currency. The ECB and the national central banks of EU member …   Law dictionary

  • European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro — Incumbent Olli Rehn since 9 February 2010 …   Wikipedia

  • European Central Bank — European Central Bank …   Wikipedia

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